I don't rant that much..OK maybe I do but thats what happens when you have an opinion, but I don't WHINE, except when I'm really peeved, so here goes....
Why is it that most of the litter I see around, often in the same spot every day, originates from McDonalds. Maccas packaging must be the most recognized form of litter blowing around the streets. OK, maybe second by a small margin to the ever present Coca Cola bottle.
Now I'm not going to climb atop my soapbox all holier than thou, but c'mon, what is the common denominator here.
Clearly there are not enough garbage bins provided or the council is simply not working hard enough to pick up after Mr Macca Snacca. I would never allude to the possibility that Mr Macca Snacca might be inspired to actually walk the 25 paces to where a garbage bin is provided, or, no wait, I'm going way to far to imply he might actually hold onto his packaging until a convenient garbage disposal solution presents itself.
Now to what does one draw a parallel here? Lots of people eat Maccas or KFC or whatever and clearly 99% of those actually do dispose of the evidence properly or we would be swimming in McNugget pouches. So what's up with the rest. Did mommy's little darlings always pick up behind them or is it just a rebel-without-a-clue attitude that "someone below me will pick up after me, co's thats just how I roll"
I'll put money on the fact that within 100m of any fast food outlet is a cluster of packaging, and let me tell you Mr Fast Food Giant, your branding aint lookin' so good when its trash on the street ey?
Now what triggers this little rant is that as visual people we are probably impressed a little more than most by the awesome (overused word but in context here) natural beauty of little corners of the earth we have the pleasure to see in our travels, local and abroad. But why on Gods green earth does some idiot, whilst standing where I'm standing and looking at the same breathtaking scenery, decide that here would be just fine to chuck his frigging Dr Pepper or BonzaBrekkie wrapper I mean, who the hell is expected to follow after m'Lord and pick up the junk that is so thoughtlessly pitched to the ground. The throwaway generation is defining itself by doing just that, but please aim it at the bins provided, if its not too much effort.Ta
Lets not get started on the tagging thing which can't even pretend to be real graffitti.
Peace out
1 comment:
so young - so angry
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