Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Binge Drinking (and other passtimes)

Been holding off on showing these until the Campaign launched, and that was held up for a while, but finally I can show some of the images from GPYR's "When to say When" shoot for the NSW Gov. Anti Binge Drinking thingy. AD was masterfully pulled of by Dave Joubert who was nursing a hangover and precious little sleep. Despite this, the man was a pleasure to work with, and I'm super stoked to have had the opportunity to do so.

Shooting was done in tandem the TV crew, but thankfully I had the time to inherit the set after filming, re-light with flash to freeze the action, and get the cast while they were still warm. Performances were excellent, and kudos to Director Gemma Lee (TaxiFilms) for a fantastic casting job.
I used the opportunity to try a Nikon D3S in tandem (lots of tandems today) with my D700. (Medium format was not needed). Although the unit is of course superb, I didn't feel it quite lived up to the launch hype, and unless you really need the high ISO stuff...well, lets just say I didn't feel the need to own it. In fact, I get the feeling that my near 20 year relationship with Nikon is about to come to an end. More about that later

The images I'm posting here are from a personal alternative story to the stuff that ran.

The message comes across clearly methinks...drink too much and you will make a tool of yourself at the least, or get into serious shit (or dead) at worst.

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