Ok, this is frikken weird, as I begin writing this blog, the next bit of music on the iPod random play (and following Linkin no less) is a classical piece entitled simply "Canon in D-Major". Its a genteel little piece that conjures up images of Summer high tea and blokes in stockings. I digress, but seriously, as I hinted in a previous post,
I've made up my mind.
After almost 20 years (Ok most of that time shooting was on medium format film and then digital), I'm going to move over to the dark side. Canon has fortified itself as the industry standard. This becomes obvious when gear hire establishments will only hold Canon stuff. Using a Nikon in our circles is becoming , well, like using a PC. There nothing wrong with it. It works, it just isn't the industry standard.
BUT, Canon has another brand new market. Its video capabilities are making it a standard tool of trade for the film guys. Whole episodes of House and 24, not to mention countless scenes in feature films, are being shot on a 5D. TVC's- sure. If they can get away with it, it beats lugging a 35mm Arriflex, and the results are cinematic with a wonderful shallow DOF that, up to now, has not been possible. ( i don't think?)
I'm not going to go to detail, but I'm keen on this stuff. I had a taste of Directing TVC's and I see the confluence of still and motion inevitable in our future.
So, I'm embarking on that band wagon in an exciting direction, along with many other shooters, and as we photogs blend into the melting pot of film guys and wedding videographers(horror) and all other, we are bound to see those with a visual signature create some beautiful clips- and we are bound to see a plethora of crap too.