Monday, November 15, 2010


There is something in this little word that has power and attraction. I know, I'm under its spell. I'm like the millions of other anoraks out there (even though I don't actually own an anorak). Like all that suffer under the mantle of the of the collector stigma, I am just a little thrilled by the notion that some of the material objects  i have procured in my life are just that little bit harder to acquire now, and, if you wanted it you would have spend the time and the money to get your paws on it. I'm not saying the object in question had to have been made from pure plutonium, by a octogenarian pygmy in a himalayan village at 3500m above sea level, or have been through the digestive tract of a forest animal (that one actually exists already) but I digress....I just have an appreciation for the fact that, whatever the thing in question is, it was made well, by someone who cares a little bit about their craft, possibly some time ago when quality was not a marketing hype, and preferably not in China. And hey,  if its hard to find the other one....even better.

Ok, Like I say, this is probably a blaring indicator that I'm getting dangerously old, but don't jump to conclusions. The disciples of cool have also latched onto this or there wouldn't be so many Melbournian hipsters cruising around on late seventies Colnagos, but I'm jumping ahead of myself here.

I've lost my train of thought.....anyway. What's brought this to my attention is that as I trawl the dark recesses of that happy hunting ground for things you probably-don't-need-but-want-anyway, ebay, I find that when I want something, no matter how obscure, 50 other bastards want it too, and will fight for it. The other day I was after a nice vintage suitcase to keep my portfolio in, and whatdaya know, everybody in Australia had the same idea.

Still , here I am, always with an eye out for that something. It might be something that I'm passionate about and have built a knowledge of over the years (old Porsches as a f'rinstance), or something that I chance upon and appreciate for the above reasons, and additionally, the notion that I'll have one of the few ever made- sick, I know, but its part of who I am, my personal taste, an eclectic collection of things that collectively describe who I am. Its not about how rare, or expensive, or if it was made in a shed, but rather that I truly love the way it looks, feels, works. Sidebar: I don't get excited about stamps, just not enough to love, but thats just me. Rare by accident, but I'm probably showing ignorance.

BTW, It would seem to me that the retro movement has for awhile now infiltrated the Church of the Disciples of Cool, and this is not necessarily a good thing. If the Disciples dictate, and followers follow, then the the matter of personal taste and choice is lost, and that defeats the purpose. Much like music, people follow what they think is cool simply because thats what the radio says.  It also means there are more people driving up the prices, but thats a vicious circle. Great if you bought in early, but again I'm off topic. I'm also tired, and I don't quite no where I'm going with this- or even what I'm talking about.

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