Saturday, December 22, 2012

Contacts Christmas Card 2012

Had this idea for my Christmas mailer, which ended up being for Contacts' same purpose.

A North Avalon family kindly offered their home, but the amazing thing is the whole street does the full-on lights thing. Gotta love the far Northern beaches. They are super laid back and and there are almost none of the dramas that Home and Away might suggest.

Rocky, who owns Bike Bug North Sydney, kindly agreed to be our talent, and Rebecca Riegger did an absolutely amazing job of the props and styling. Also ups to Todd Sotheren who did the clipping paths to make the retouch a breeze.

The dog, Reg, makes the shot.

Merry Christmas

Wednesday, December 5, 2012

Allianz Library Images

One of my repeat clients, Allianz Insurance, commissioned this project, and it allowed me another opportunity to hone the art of directing real people, not models or actors, to their best performance for the shot.

The brief appealed to my documentary roots at first, but I shifted my style in a enviro-portrait direction to accommodate  the wide range of applications that the images would be used for. 

The client quite rightly felt that there was very little in existing stock that suited their needs, and wanted to use real people, in real situations-their own jobs, with a definite sense that we are looking at real Australians.

There were some pretty stressful challenges in getting the right talent and locations logistics sorted within the budget constraints, not to mention the curve ball thrown by the weather, but I'm proud to say the images portray, for the most part, people in their actual jobs, in their actual workplaces. In fact, the situations where hired talent had to be used, I found less convincing

I wanted to hero the subjects subtly with lighting and casual pose, but keep it feeling natural. We scheduled around the weather for the outdoor shots, as hard sunlight is a strong differentiating factor when trying to make images look more Australian.

Our ÜberProducer Penni pulled absolute miracles with regards to talent, locations and even weather prediction, and needed a relaxing massage by the end of the shoot.

Cherith Crozier did a cracker of a job in the styling, and together with myself and AD Sarah Straker, we had a solid team with a clear direction throughout the shoot.

Praise Whole Egg mayonaise

The AD at +Jack Watts Currie, Pamela Parelli, had put together a concise brief which resonated with me straight away. It called for an expression performance from the talent, and the food to look good too. It also needed to work visually with the hands holding plates reaching in.

We were fortunate to find the perfect location, and the weather smiled upon us, being the first clear day in a while.

Had a dream team of crew, with food styling by Kristine Duran Thiesen, wardrobe by Natasha Harrison, and Contacts' Leeby Sotheren doing makeup, and Todd Sotheren as retoucher.

The model Angela Shallis was serene and professional, and while the exclamatory performance was out of her comfort zone, she kept on trying till we got what we wanted.

Everything was shot on location, including the packshot and additional food tabletop shot to keep costs under control.

The AD, agency and client were very happy with the outcome, and so am I. One of my favourites for the year!

Sunday, November 25, 2012

Masterfoods Tomato Sauce

The opportunity arose to submit a last minute treatment for what was originally a typographical execution with a simple hand-with-pack shot to overlay.

I couldn't think of much to make a hand more exciting, so I expanded upon the brief a little, suggesting we go for a bit more depth, and instead of doing the headline typographically, I thought of using a stencil on a wooden crate. This would give the type the genuine wood texture.The crate has relevance also, as it further suggests the use of fresh produce, and provided a tactile third dimension for the shot.

The creative team loved the idea, and sold it to the client, who was reluctant at first but happy to put their faith in us.

I stuck to my guns in my efforts to keep it "in camera", and our stylist, Jan Edwards found beautiful crates and painted stencils of varying sizes to suit the layout. We took it a step further by shooting the sauce splats on acetate so that they could be positioned in camera and required minimal comping. It also allowed us to ensure the message was not lost.

Our hand model was a pro, and was able to fine tune the amount of squeeze distortion on the pack. I had mentioned in the treatment that the squeeze is part of the fun, and wanted to portray a bit of bottle throttle, but needles to say we pulled back to a firm hold which yielded a more acceptable label distortion.

The team were stoked with the result, as was the client. 

Monday, November 19, 2012

Synology Server

I'm happy to have finally invested in a high end NAS server as an additional archiving module and a system for clients to access their files should I not be available. I went with an 8 bay +Synology DS1812+, and that should serve my purposes very well. Here it be:

David Stone at +DRevolution did the setup and I can wholeheartedly recommend his services as a super-techie.

The DSM web based interface rocks. This is dangerously geeky shit, I know, but you can't help getting excited about the potential of that much storage.

Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Nikon D800E after some use

I have been shooting with my D800E on some jobs, and while it hasn't replaced my Phase P45 in the studio, it is adding flexibility and speed to my location shoots which I might have previously used the MF Mamiya/Phase combo for.

I used it heavily for the Allianz Image Library shoot, and there a good and bad points. (oh dear, I feel bullet points coming on...

*At the camera end, I seem to have trouble setting up the AF so as not to back-focus. I'm using a target and the individual lens fine adjustment settings, but even then it misses.
I'm not the only one to report this, and Lloyd Chambers highlighted these issues exhaustively as he does (we are grateful as someone has to do it).

I use mainly fast primes and mostly Nikons best glass, but it doesn't help if the razor sharpness is off on the background.

*Capture One misbehaves with the Nikon. It crashes, it freezes, it looses tether, it fails to see images on CF card. This is probably the main reason I'm not totally ditching the Phase back. C1 is rock solid when tethered to its own hardware (as it should be). Wonder if Canon users struggle with CaptureOne as much?

All that aside, the quality is amazing and exceeds what is needed in hand held 35mm, as camera shake at such resolution becomes an issue, and forces me to a tripod unless shutterspeed is way up. I'm a bit old school and like to keep ISO at or near 100 (a fact that I notice doesn't seem to matter as much to young shooters)... (until they have an image rejected on quality grounds).

I will say this at my peril. We DO NOT NEED MORE MEGAPIXELS in 35mm cameras. I'm sure the amateur brigade and pixel peepers will scoff at this, but hey can go terrorise some online forums. Those of us shooting 35 and MF professionally know when enough is enough, and when it isn't, turn to the Phase when the job demands it.

Wednesday, October 3, 2012

RSVP and working with Cherith Crozier

After meeting Cherith and being impressed by her book and attitude, I'm happy the opportunity for a shoot together came around soon. The shoot for mature dating site RSVP involved set-builds and lots of back and forth on the propping, but the shoot day was a breeze, and client loved the results.
AD Niccola Philips was a pleasure to work with as usual and I'm sad to see her leave Mercer Bell to greener pastures.

Wednesday, August 22, 2012

Shoot the Chef 2012 Finalist

A fun shoot with the Crutch family of Avalon, Mum Sam and the six children who Sam cooks for daily.
A nod to Mums time in the kitchen (four hours a day in Sams case) to cook for their families. A thankless task but worthy of an entry to Shoot the Chef.

My appreciation to Cherith Crozier (Stylist), Rebecca Riegger(Stylist asst), Hilary Ho(MUA) and Katy Young for setting this up.

Fingers crossed

Tuesday, August 7, 2012

Doug Pitt for Virgin Mobile

It's great to get involved in something that you know is going to be huge. AD Ben Pearce at Euro (who has been a supportive believer in my work since I started up in Australia), thought I'd be the man for the job, and I'm glad he did.

The shoot was to happen in Vancouver, Canada, and proved to be a quick 72 hours on Canadian soil for me, (not to mention 30 hours of airtravel).

My treatment suggested that we break through the PR veneer that a man in his position resorts to when faced with cameras, and that is what we did. Mr Pitt was a dream to work with, and kept his composure through some hectic shoot days involving TVC filming and full day stills studio work.

Doug being an avid mountain biker too, I had plenty to chat about which no doubt served to break the ice too.

Working in Canada went seamlessly, with gear hire, assistants and studio being similarly priced to home.

The campaign was a huge success for agency and client, and Ben is hoping for an award somewhere down the track. I'll keep my fingers crossed.

Tuesday, July 10, 2012

Hungry Jacks as ongoing

As I'm shooting for +Hungry Jacks Australia regularly and enjoying the shoots and the team.
I won't post each and every food shot here as it is kinda something you are interested in only if you are involved in that industry. Lets face it, most punters  never consider where the images they stare at above the counter originate from (typically with a bit of drool leaking from the agape backup breathing orofice) and then I've done my job correctly. The images are to appeal to our primal appeal for the burger, and in celebration of that, here are some of the latest hits in burger world. With apologies to vegetarians.

Wednesday, July 4, 2012


With apologies to Guy Ritchie.

Like my image of Garth Wood in a previous post, I wanted to shoot a story with palpable energy, almost like a freeze-frame from a movie fight scene.  Flying spit and all. To really involve the viewer in the dark and dangerous world of streetfighting.

Make up by the talented Michelle Dube

My talent of choice is up and coming boxer Paul "Showtime" Fleming and Hussy Hussein

Thursday, April 19, 2012

In the oven....

No. Not that, Pat is not pregnant, but the tie in is that a favourite Aussie  brand of desserts, baked goods, cakes and other dietery sins is casting for shooters to work on their package rebranding. Nice gig. They have five or six photogs on their shortlist, I'm one of them. Fingers crossed.
Watch this space...

Friday, March 30, 2012

Nikon D800E

Excited but apprehensive about the potential of this camera. It will be a game changer.

My order is placed. My Phase back is getting nervous.

Thursday, March 15, 2012

Toyota- What a Feeling brochure

The weather smiled upon us briefly, but remianed erratic. Sorry to talk weather but these things matter alot in the days leading up with multiple paid forecasts. Sadly a wallaby was struck by the camera car and contrbuted to the roadkill on West Head road.  The effort to save costs by excluding MUA let the results down a bit methinks, but they(client and agency) were chuffed with the images, and extended the usage, I can't complain about that. Enjoyed working with Niccola Philips at Mercer Bell.


Photographically, I've always enjoyed the portraiture of the era between wars. Subjects seem more self aware and early photography made the notion of having one's picture taken a glamourous status symbol if done to a professional standard. DIY photography was in its infancy of course.

In contrast to this I found some haunting images from the National Archive taken from plate glass negatives captured purely for the purpose of record by the record keepers at Long Bay Gaol.
I was inspired by these beautiful portraits of the inmates from all levels of criminal practices, shot seemingly informally but carrying undeniable gravity.

With that as the base inspiration, the whole Movember thing got me noticing how many twentysomethings actually committed to their facial hair growth art with conviction far beyond the hype that comes round every November.

Considering that Movember is also known as contraception month because the significant partners do not always embrace the facial sprouting with the same enthusiasm, I was impressed that there are gentlemen young enough to not even be sporting a wrinkle, that wholeheartedly subscribe to the moustachioed and bearded code.

This got me onto a concept which I'll revisit later, but as these things go, the plan evolved. I went on to discover some gents from a Newtown barber Hawleywood's that go beyond a few period styling cues and live the look and lifestyle as much as modern times allow. No effort is spared in the details and these blokes don't just live the lifestyle, they carry it off with style.

By the way, only one of the subjects in these portraits is styled to the era, the others are wearing what they arrived in. They live the look full time.

You gotta admire the conviction and the effort in that.

So, after an initial false start due to our talent dudes cancelled on the morning of the shoot (in their defence they work 6 days a week and didn't fancy spending a seventh in a stuffy studio) ...deep breath, exhale...I got my shots of the dudes from Hawleywoods.

Much obliged and grateful to the stylist (Jan Edwards) and MUA (Hilary Ho) for their time, and of course the unique Gentlemen from Hawleywoods who gave their time.

Tuesday, February 28, 2012


This is the most personal image I have shot in my life, and it is the way I shall remember him.

I will always be grateful to my wife for telling me to pick up a camera at that moment, as he soothed his pain in the pool.

Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Foxtel Gingerbread Men

Nice way to start the year with a shoot with my old mate Nick Bonney, now in a senior creative role at Clems.

I had quite specific ideas for the bakers display cabinet and gave the location scout a bit of a headache.
It still wasn't exactly what I was after but deadlines dictated we settle for this one in a little cafe in Marrickville.

The Gingerbread men were very good in the footy kit detail, not sure if that comes across in the web jpeg. Sally Parker styled the shoot.

Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Ian Thorpe

Got 90 seconds to shoot this. Ian was nice. Massive feet, all the better to churn water with I suppose.

Would have loved the opportunity to craft it better, but we work with the time we have.