Thursday, June 2, 2011

Annie Leibovitz

So the good thing about Annie Leibovitz having a financial wobble is that it led to a travelling retrospective exhibition that swung by the MCA for a while, and it was of course, my professional responsibility to swing by and have a gander.

So while I was studying photography in the early 90's, she was hot shit and one of the masters of the time. Hell, being the go-to shooter for Rolling Stone can be a career maker in itself, but she did do some pioneering work that will forever speak about that time in photography

And that is just the thing. The digital age has produced a high standard of imagery that we take for granted now, but it also has yielded a glut of mediocre over-treated slap-dash work that has drowned the market and cheapened the medium. So I had to  recalibrate my mind to the fact that the are prints mostly unretouched, technically perfect, and breathtakingly beautiful in some cases, and confronting for the time.
The very personal snapshots in B/W were a nice touch, and a testament that a true photographer is constantly shooting personal shots, sometimes despite great pain

I guess thats what makes real Masters of Photography.

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