Tuesday, February 28, 2012


This is the most personal image I have shot in my life, and it is the way I shall remember him.

I will always be grateful to my wife for telling me to pick up a camera at that moment, as he soothed his pain in the pool.

Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Foxtel Gingerbread Men

Nice way to start the year with a shoot with my old mate Nick Bonney, now in a senior creative role at Clems.

I had quite specific ideas for the bakers display cabinet and gave the location scout a bit of a headache.
It still wasn't exactly what I was after but deadlines dictated we settle for this one in a little cafe in Marrickville.

The Gingerbread men were very good in the footy kit detail, not sure if that comes across in the web jpeg. Sally Parker styled the shoot.