Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Abbotts Village Bakery and Burgen

One of the images I shot for my portfolio last Easter caught the eye of some fine creatives at DDB Sydney and they sold the look to their client George Weston Foods for their Abbott's Village Bakery bread range. Its great to see your own image as reference to your advertising brief.

Worked with stylist Sally Parker and shot both ads in a bright kitchen in Mosman. Would have liked to shoot the moody execution in a studio, and with a little more time, but we work with the tools we have.

Monday, August 15, 2011

Ben Quilty shoot

After reading some time ago that Archibald Winner +Ben Quilty owns a car that coincidentally appeared in one of my images as it lay undiscovered in a yard in Hill End, I was stoked to meet the man and shoot his portrait in his studio in Robertson. Subsequently his agent requested an image for Ben's promotional purposes in Asia.

He was amazed to see the V8 Ford in the image and I sent a print to him. Maybe he sends me something in return...