Friday, September 18, 2009


I am very proud to be a contributor to the ubercool SoHi Magazine. Its the kind of publication you just want to see your work in. Beautiful 250gm matte stock, minimalist layout, limited production runs, zero ads. Dig it. I hope they achieve great things.

Better Now

Just had a beer "n chat with Phil from the band "Serenik" They are wanting to use an image from my Personal work as album art for their EP "Better Now" . Methinks its good exposure, so I'm happy to oblige. I wish them the best success, but, if you make it big ,Serenik, I'm gonna collect. More about this later...

Peoples Choice

Always nice, as Friday pace slows, to see a little email to say that you've won something. Yup, after two gallery shows and a website poll, those two Zim painters have been chosen as the Peoples Choice of show. Yay. 1x Adobe Creative Suite 4 Master Collection coming to me! Friday eve is here. Bon weekend