Monday, February 9, 2009

Back to SA

Here I am back in Joburg to direct a TVC for Chicken Licken for Terraplane. (wherever I go the chicken finds me) Client cancelled the shoot the day I arrived. Not the best way to try out this flying back and forth for TV thing. Anyway..It was great to see all my family and friends. Its been good to see them and catch up.

While I'm here I'm shooting tons of stills for my food portfolio. I have got a bee in my bonnet about a direction that I wanna go as far as getting a more natural and organic feel to the images, to break away from the staid style of the previous stuff. I think it will just broaden the range of the book, and besides, its great to just hand hold a 35mm DSLR and shoot what you see. Also managed to grab some great portraits on the's one for now.

what blog?

Jeez, I must be the worlds worst blogger. I suppose the idea of a talk-shit in cyberspace is still catching on with me, but I'm always hugely chuffed when I actually get to publish something. Been an annual quarter since my last post, and Christmas has come and gone...and forgotten. Been a busy start to the year, as the "Green Square' project was looming and I really wanted to give my best shot(s) to the project. Basically had to come up with a concept for a photograph involving something green and square, and roughly associated with urban redevelopment blah blah. I am hoping the spinoff will be good for starting my career in Sydney so I put my all into cracking it

Well, as the deadline got closer, the pressure grew more intense. Pressure mostly that I was putting on myself. I was agonizing over what my concept could be, probably overthinking the whole thing, but not wanting it to be a half -hearted effort. I took walking and cycling trips around the city looking for inspiration, and many hours of brainstorms with Pat, Gavin, and any other creatives and friends that would listen, until finally, with one week to go, it came to me in the shower..

The other image involved about a hundred polaroids and three days of different weather moods.
I had forgotten what a pain in the arse those little white paper tear offs that pull the poli out can be, we kept finding them everywhere! Really pleased with the result though.