Wednesday, August 27, 2008


I cant believe we are at the end of August already. Been back in Sydney for a month. It has been a good month of RRR (rest, recouperation,research) but I'm keen to get to work again.

Pushing hard to get some new work for the book. Some lines out, hopefully a bite soon...

Days are getting longer (yay) and warmer, roll on Summer! We bought a book on all the best beaches in Sydney and we intend to 
use it. Started last weekend by visiting Resolute beach in Ku Ring Gai National park. Awesome. Fun had by all, just a little stiff from the hike. Which brings me to the fitness issue....Anyways.

Warmer weather will see me back on the bike and shedding the winter pelt. Cannot wait to ride these amazing roads.

Back to work.

Sunday, August 24, 2008

ANTIminimalism-series in progress

I started noticing places where people worked and lived that appeared to be chaos but to the owners they were quite organized and they knew exactly where things were.
Call it untidy or some weird mental affliction, but it is almost an art form in itself. It would be difficult to recreate that if you tried, it takes years to perfect. The people all found comfort and security in clutter and were quite proud of their achievements. 

The series will be ongoing and means no disrespect or taunt. 

Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Christchurch NZ

Pat and I popped over to Christchurch for a weekend. Pretty and quaint. Bit chilly. Not much more to say...New Zealand is an achingly beautiful country and has been photographed for a thousand coffee table books. I could spend some time there in future.

Monday, August 18, 2008

This Ol' house

My friend Lauren suggested this old house that had some squatters living in it. I pointed a camera around and found a few shots.The aged textures of the wallpaper and the grime have a haunting feel. Its a bit cliche , I know. Poverty always has a patina that the camera seems to enhance. I've just finished one so far, but I'll do a series in a future post.

Thursday, August 14, 2008

Butterflies (in my tummy)

So I got commissioned to do a series of "arty" shots of butterflies for Sun International. The images are going to be HUGE , some 2.4 metres in height. I was worried about the kitch aspect and tried to make striking, graphic images without looking like a wildlife book on steroids. Halfway through the shoot the client had a change of brief and chopped the shoot in half, but at least I got something I quite like. The guy from the butterfly farm in Henley was kind enough to lend the specimens. Visit there if you have absolutely nothing to do at all. No butterflies were harmed in this production (they were already dead) Obviously I'll retouch out the pins. They kinda spoil the mood.

Ntuli's Garage

Found this awesome location and interesting character. A true backyard mechanic. I'm compiling a personal series on hectic workspaces, so you'll see some related pics in that series later. Quite like these though. My mate Toby provided the bodyguarding (he is about 7 feet tall) 'cos we were in a dodge area.

My Old Dad and his mutt

Went thru to see my folks before embarking on the voyage to Oz. I took a few picas of my Dad. I wont be seeing him for a while , possibly even a few years, and I wanted to capture something to remember.

RIP Mitzi, Dads faithful dog. Sweet thing, I will miss her- he will miss her more.